Powerful Personalities! – Training Video


Purchase this EDITED TRAINING VIDEO to receive approximately 2 hours of instant online training.

A look at how personality affects our relationships, family and group dynamics, and what happens in the counselling room!

A qualified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator practitioner, Pauline Andrew explores through MBTI the different personality types and how we can all get along with greater understanding of the way we see the world!

• Understand how we gain our energy in life, and what drains, and what fires us!
• How MBTI helps understand difference in how tasks are completed and a general attitude to timekeeping
• Identify whether we tend to make decisions from our head or our heart, and what difference it makes
• Explore whether we are big-picture people, or whether we love the details – it may surprise you!
• Entertaining exercises to do
• Gain an idea of what your basic personality type – you are likely to have had a whole load of lightbulbs going on!


After purchase you will receive an email with details of how to access the pre-recorded training video instantly. (If you can’t see it please check your spam folder, if it’s not there please contact office@pact-resources.co.uk).

The link will also include your CPD CERTIFICATE (PDF file). 

Suitable for: Counsellors, Trainee Counsellors and anyone with an interest in personality types